What happened next?

Pedro Cabral had a safe journey home. He arrived back to Portugal on June 23, 1501, with only 4 ships out of the original 13. And 13 ships was a lot. Pedro Cabral had the largest fleet of ships. This trip turned out to be one of the longest expeditions of his time. After this trip, Pedro Cabral retired, and King Manual I gave the next job to Vasco da Gama. No more information was recorded of Pedro Cabral, except that he died in 1520. Pedro Cabral is now known for claiming Brazil (this is the reason why one of Brazil's languages are Portuguese) and being the first explorer to see it. Pedro Cabral helped the legacy by creating a new route for other explorers and discovering a new world for other people to discover new areas and countries.
January 16, 1501

We have successfully traded with India in Cochin, and are heading home now. We traded in Cochin, India for silk, spices, and gold, and we are leaving now. I believe that we have 5 ships now, and I intend for it to stay that way. But I believe that this may be my first and last trip, for I cannot take another long trip, and I must retire. But this trip is one that I will always remember.

Pedro Alvares Cabral

September 13, 1500

50 men. It seems so little to anyone, but to me, it is a sad and horrible loss. I can't even look at their bodies. We were attacked by Muslims when we landed in Calicut, India. They didn't want any competition on the spices. Nevertheless, my men and I fought bravely, although we lost 50 men. I have already lost almost 7 ships (we encountered one ship wreck), and each ship had many noble men. And the fact that we were through another bad storm and lost the ship of Diogo Dias deeply saddens me. Am I a good captain or not?

Pedro Alvares Cabral

July 20, 1500

This is now the second time we have seen land since that terrible storm. Along the Cape of Good Hope, we ran into another storm. It was even worse than the first storm, and I believe I lost four ships. And just to make my day, I've lost Bartolomeu Dias. I hope we don't encounter anymore storms, for my men are scared and hungry. I've assured them that we'll be fine, but they keep looking back for one of the lost ships, hopefully Bartolomeu's, and even I've started searching the horizon. But no luck.

Pedro Avlares Cabral
April 22, 1500

Land ho! We have reached a new land! We have not heard of this land on the way to India, and I have certainly not seen the people here. They look almost like the "Indians" that Christopher Columbus described, but I am sure we are not here yet, for these people do not even have the spices I am looking for! I have dispatched one of my ships to go inform the King. I have sent with them a proclamation, proclaiming that this land is now Portuguese territory, and I have named it "Island of True Cross". Reaching this new area makes me think that the storm that we encountered gave us good luck. Oh, it was a horrible storm indeed. Rain poured down, as if the Mighty Lord was sobbing. The winds howled, and blinding lights flashed against the sky, followed by big booms. My men were tough, or at least most of them.

In True Cross, the natives there were unclothed, and dark skinned. Right between black and white. We let them aboard our ship, and they helped us survive

Pedro Alvares Cabral
April 1, 1500

We have reached what they are calling "Cape Verde Islands." My men are tired. Maybe they shouldn't have signed up for this expidition in the first place. I hope we reach more land soon. I'm afraid we may get lost. Nonsense! I am Pedro Cabral! I never get lost.

Pedro Alvares Cabral

March 9, 1500

My 13 ships have left, and its been 4 hours. There has been no sign of land. I wish for clear skies out here. but I don't think we will get it. Up above, the skies are turning grey, there is rumbling from far off, and some of my men have sworn to have seen flashes of light over the horizon. My men are already afraid. What babies! At least one of my loyal officers, Bartolemeu Dias, stands by me. He gives me reports on the weather, what the other ships are doing, and mans his boat. Our food supply is high, and we have enough water. I hope all goes well.

Pedro Alvares Cabral
March 1, 1500

I have never been a happier, luckier man. King Manual the first of Portugal has sent me on a trip to India to trade for spices and goods. This has been my dream since I was a little boy. I will be keeping a journal to remind me of my triumphs. I believe that my 1500 men and I will be leaving on the ninth day of March from Portugal. We will be following the route of my good friend, Vasco De Gama. I hope that we are successful.

Not much is known about Pedro Cabral's earlier life, except that he was born in 1467.